BLOG: Band Promotion
Band Poster Printing has been helping bands promote themselves for years!
What the hell is going on with these album covers?

What exactly is Anal Chaos? What is Mr. Dress Up building? Where is David Hasselhof’s shirt? These album covers leave so many questions unanswered.
We found these, and other interesting album covers, on this Facebook group. Check it out:
15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching a Record Label
Do you think you have what it takes to launch careers and sell music? Before starting your record label, these questions will help you get focused on your plans.
Metal band pisses off government, has to flee country
At it’s heart, Rock-n-Roll is really about rebellion, and nothing captures that spirit more than the story of a certain metal band from Iran.
Tips for Designing a Great Poster
Need Help Designing a Great Band Poster to Promote a Show, Tour or Event? We’ve Got You Covered.
SoundCloud Rebound
SoundCloud Rebound Three years ago, Soundcloud®, the music site that relies on user generated content, was struggling. The site was searching to...
Worst Band Photos Ever
Worst Band Photos Ever!These are bad. Real bad. See how bad they can get. [button...
Vinyl Records, Recorded Live
Vinyl Records, Recorded LiveMichael Dixon, an audio engineer and tinkerer from the Seattle area, is using restored vintage record lathes to create...