BLOG: Band Promotion
Band Poster Printing has been helping bands promote themselves for years!
Tips for Designing a Great Poster

It doesn’t do any good to print a bunch of poster for your next show if no one sees them. So the key to a good band poster is getting noticed. And the key to catching someone’s eye is bold, contrasting colors.
Our eyes send a constant flow of information to our brains, so we are always making split-second decisions on what to focus on. Our eyes are naturally drawn to bold color combinations. Even before someone has a chance to read your poster, a sub conscience decision has already been made to either ignore your poster, or take a moment to investigate further.
A bold color combination will draw viewers directly to your poster, and promote your band the way you intended.
Once you have a good color combination, try not to jam so much info on the poster that the bold colors get covered up. Those colors are your best eye-catching element, so display them boldly.
Take a look at the posters below. These are good examples of eye-catching posters we’ve printed for our customers recently. The colors are bold, and the info is displayed simply, without clutter. I really like THE FIGGS sample in blue, but they are all very effective.
Need more help designing a good poster?
Check out our FREE poster backgrounds that you can use on your next promotional poster. The are bold, eye-catching, easy to use, and most importantly, FREE. Each poster background includes matching color swatch and font suggestions. Click here to view these poster backgrounds.
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